Rabu, 24 Juni 2009





THE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION ACADEMY YEAR 2008/2009 Subject Grade / Term Day / Date Time : : : : Mathematic VII (seven) / 1 (first) Dec 19th 2008 120 minutes GENERAL DIRECTION: 1. First, write your name, class and number on your answer sheet. 2. Check and read the question carefully. 3. Report to the supervisor if there are unclear informations. 4. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d. 1. 89.705 when rounded off to the nearest thousand is … a. 9000 b. 10.000 c. 89.000 d. 90.000 2. Arrange the following integers in decreasing order 8, -9, 2, 0, -3 a. 8, 0, 2, -9,3 b. 8, 2, 0, -3, -9 c. 0, 2, -3, 8, -9 d.-9,8, -3, 2, 0 3. All the following lists of integers are arranged in ascending order except …. i. –7, –2, 1, 5, 15 c. -10, -13, -16, -20, -28 ii. –24, –20, –15, 0, 7 4. d. -5, 3, 9, 18, 27 If 8 m represents 8 m to the west, (-4 m) represents …. a. 4 m to the east b. 4 m to the south c. 4 m to the west 4 m to the north d. 5. The integers between -4 and 5 are …. a. -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 c. -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 b. -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 d. -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6. How many negative integers are there between -5 and 2? a. 6 b. 5 c. 4 d. 3 7. The form of distributive property over addition is …. a. ( a x b ) x c = ( a x c ) x b b. a x ( b + c ) = ( a x b ) + c c. b x ( c + d ) = ( b x c ) – ( b x d ) d. k x ( m + n ) = ( k x m ) + ( k x n ) 8. From statements bellow : i. 15 – (-5) = 20 ii. -12 + 9 = -21 iii. -8 – (-6) = -2 Which statement is correct? a. just (i) and (ii) b. just (i) and (iii) c. d. just (ii) and (iii) (i), (ii) and (iii) 9. [5 + (-8) – (-2)] – [-3 + 6 + (-2)] = …. a. -5 b. -1 10. a + (-6) + (-2) = 4 The value of a is …. a. 12 c. -2 d. 0 b. 10 c. 8 18, 24 and 36 d. 12 d. 6 11. Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of a. 3 b. 6 c. 9 12. The initial temperature of a beaker of solution is 0ºC. Over a period minutes, its temperature decreases by 8ºC and then increases by temperature, in ºC, of the solution after 10 minutes is …. a. –3 b. 2 c. –2 of 10 5ºC. The d. 3 13.There are 20 question in a quiz. 5 marks will be given for each correct answer and 2 marks will be deducted for wrong answers, Dini answered all the questions but only 15 answers are right. Calculate the marks she got… a. 55 b. 60 c. 65 d. 70 14. In a Mathematic competition. If the student answer correctly they get 2, If their answer false , they get -1, If they do not answer, they get 0. Deni has answered 48 items, 42 items are correct. If the total items 50, The total score of Deni is…. a. 96 b. 92 c. 84 d. 78 15. The decimal of a. 1.937 1.930 31 and round off the decimal to 3 decimal places is …. 16 b. 1.938 c. 1.926 d. 16. The result of 2 a. 2 2 35 1 2 5 x : 1 = …….. 4 5 7 63 b. 120 3 ) = …. 4 b. c. 1 1 5 d. 21 40 17. 2 1 x( + 3 5 1 a. 10 11 20 c. 19 30 d. 7 60 18. The scientific notation of 0,0038247, in two decimal form is …..… a. 3,82 x 10-2 b. 3,82 x 10-3 c. d. 3,83 x 10-2 3,83 x 10-3 19. Amin uses 1 1 of his monthly salary to pay for car loan and of it to pay for 4 5 bills. What fraction of the monthly salary does Amin still household utilities have? a. d. 9 20 b. 7 20 c. 11 20 13 20 2 1 and of the money to buy shoes and text 5 4 c. Rp. 20.000 d. Rp. 26.000 20. Wahyudi has Rp. 40.000. He used books respectively. Wahyudi skill has a. Rp. 14.000 b. Rp.16.000 2 21. There are 45 students in a class. of them are female. The numbers of the 3 male students are …. a. 15 30 a. 7 9 a. – 4a2b and 5ab2 b. 7ab2 and 5ab2 a. 12a2 + a + 4 b. 12a2 + a – 14 b. 20 c. 25 d. 22. The coefficient x of 5x3 – 7x + 9 is .... b. -7 c. 5 d. 23. The like terms of 7ab2 – 4a2b + 5ab2 – a2b2 is ………. c. 7ab2 and – a2b2 d. – 4a2b and – a2b2 c. 12a2 – 13a + 4 d. 12a2 – 13 a – 14 c. -17a2 – 17 a d. –a 2 + 17a c. -8x + 11 d. 10 x + 5 c. 30xy2 d. 24. The result of addition 8a2 – 6a – 5 and 4a2 + 7a + 9 is …. 25. The simple form of -9a2 +3a + 8a2 +14a is…. a. –a2 - a b. -17a2 + 17a 26. The simple form of 9 – 4(2x+5) =….. a. -8x – 11 b. -8x – 14 27. 45x3y × 2x2y3 ÷ 30x4 = …. a. 30xy b. 30xy3 4 30xy 28. The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 9p2q3, 12p4q2 and 18p3q4 is ….. a. 3p2q2 c. 18p3q4 2 2 b. 9p q d. 36p3q4 29. Anton is two years older than Brown and Brown is 6 years older than Chianti. What is the sum of their ages when Anton is twice than Chianti’s age? a. 28 42 30. b. 32 c. 38 d. x 5 + = …. 3y 4x a. 4 x 2 + 15 y 12 xy b. c. 5x 7 xy d. 4 x + 15 12 xy 5+ x 7 xy %%%%&&&g00DLucK&&&%%%%

Evaluasi diri kelas VII

Evadir Vii

SELF REFLECTION Subject: Mathematics Name : …………………………………….. Class : …………………………………….. Grade : VII No. 1 Standard Competency 1. Carrying out the computations number as well as capable of applying it on problem solving Basic Competency 1.1 Determine the estimation of the opration of integers and fraction 1.2 Carrying out the operation of whole numbers and being able to determine the carracteristic of the operation of integers and fraction 2.1 To know the algebraic form and the element of its 2.2 To carry out mathematical operations of algebraic form 2.3 To determine the solution of linear equation with one variable 2.4 To determine the solution of linear innequality with one variable 3.1 Making mathematic sentence form the related problem with equatin and innequality with one variable 3.2 To find the solution of mathematic sentences are related with equation and innequality with one variable 3.3 Using algebraic concept to solve the problem of the simple social arithmetics 3.4 Using the ratio to solve the problem Essential Material Integers Fraction Question Number Value/ Score Pass Fail 2 2. Understanding and being able to carry out of algebraic operation, equation, and innequality involving one variable Linear Equation and Innequality with One Variable 3 3. Using algebraic form, equation, innequality, and ratio to problem solving Social Arithmetics Proportion 4 4. Using the concept of sets and the Venn diagram to solve problem 4.1 To understanding of the definition and the notation of sets and express its 4.2 To expres a sets with a Venn diagram 4.3 Using the concept of sets to solve problem 5.1 Determining the relation of two line, the measure, and the types of angle 5.2 Undertanding the carracteristic of angles in 2 intersect line or parallel lines that intersecting by the other line 5.3 Drawing an angle 5.4 Dividing an angle 6.1 Identifying the carracteristic of triangle based on the sides and the angles 6.2 Identifying the carracteristic of squares, ractangle, parallelogram, kite, rhombus and trapezium 6.3 Counting the perimeter and the area of triangle and quadrillateral as well as to solve the problem 6.4 Drawing a triangle, altitude, bisector, median, and axis of symetry Sets 5 5. Understanding the relation of line and line, line and angle, angle and angle as well as determining their measure Line and Angles 6 6. Understanding a concept of tiangles and quadrillateral and determining the measurement Quadrillateral and Triangle Parent, Mathematics Teacher ………………………………….. Kristiana Sili Pramuharyanti, S.Pd NIP: 131879319 SELF REFLECTION Subject: Mathematics Name : …………………………………….. Class : …………………………………….. Grade : VIII No. 1 Standard Competency 1. Carrying out the computations number as well as capable of applying it on problem solving Basic Competency 1.1 Determine the estimation of the opration of integers and fraction 1.2 Carrying out the operation of whole numbers and being able to determine the carracteristic of the operation of integers and fraction 2.1 To know the algebraic form and the element of its 2.2 To carry out mathematical operations of algebraic form 2.3 To determine the solution of linear equation with one variable 2.4 To determine the solution of linear innequality with one variable 3.1 Making mathematic sentence form the related problem with equatin and innequality with one variable 3.2 To find the solution of mathematic sentences are related with equation and innequality with one variable 3.3 Using algebraic concept to solve the problem of the simple social arithmetics 3.4 Using the ratio to solve the problem 2 2. Understanding and being able to carry out of algebraic operation, equation, and innequality involving one variable 3 3. Using algebraic form, equation, innequality, and ratio to problem solving 4 4. Using the concept of sets and the Venn diagram to solve problem 4.1 To understanding of the definition and the notation of sets and express its 4.2 To expres a sets with a Venn diagram 4.3 Using the concept of sets to solve problem 5.1 Determining the relation of two line, the measure, and the types of angle 5.2 Undertanding the carracteristic of angles in 2 intersect line or parallel lines that intersecting by the other line 5.3 Drawing an angle 5.4 Dividing an angle 5 5. Understanding the relation of line and line, line and angle, angle and angle as well as determining their measure 6 6. Understanding a concept of tiangles and quadrillateral and determining the measurement 6.1 Identifying the carracteristic of triangle based on the sides and the angles 6.2 Identifying the carracteristic of squares, ractangle, parallelogram, kite, rhombus and trapezium 6.3 Counting the perimeter and the area of triangle and quadrillateral as well as to solve the problem 6.4 Drawing a triangle, altitude, bisector, median, and axis of symetry Parent, ………………………………….. Essential Material Integers Fraction Question Number Value/ Score Pass Fail Linear Equation and Innequality with One Variable Social Arithmetics Proportion Sets Line and Angles Quadrillateral and Triangle Mathematics Teacher Kristiana Sili Pramuharyanti, S.Pd NIP: 131879319 SELF REFLECTION Subject: Mathematics Name : …………………………………….. Class : …………………………………….. Grade : IX No. 1 Standard Competency 1. Carrying out the computations number as well as capable of applying it on problem solving Basic Competency 1.1 Determine the estimation of the opration of integers and fraction 1.2 Carrying out the operation of whole numbers and being able to determine the carracteristic of the operation of integers and fraction 2.1 To know the algebraic form and the element of its 2.2 To carry out mathematical operations of algebraic form 2.3 To determine the solution of linear equation with one variable 2.4 To determine the solution of linear innequality with one variable 3.1 Making mathematic sentence form the related problem with equatin and innequality with one variable 3.2 To find the solution of mathematic sentences are related with equation and innequality with one variable 3.3 Using algebraic concept to solve the problem of the simple social arithmetics 3.4 Using the ratio to solve the problem 2 2. Understanding and being able to carry out of algebraic operation, equation, and innequality involving one variable 3 3. Using algebraic form, equation, innequality, and ratio to problem solving 4 4. Using the concept of sets and the Venn diagram to solve problem 4.1 To understanding of the definition and the notation of sets and express its 4.2 To expres a sets with a Venn diagram 4.3 Using the concept of sets to solve problem 5.1 Determining the relation of two line, the measure, and the types of angle 5.2 Undertanding the carracteristic of angles in 2 intersect line or parallel lines that intersecting by the other line 5.3 Drawing an angle 5.4 Dividing an angle 5 5. Understanding the relation of line and line, line and angle, angle and angle as well as determining their measure 6 6. Understanding a concept of tiangles and quadrillateral and determining the measurement 6.1 Identifying the carracteristic of triangle based on the sides and the angles 6.2 Identifying the carracteristic of squares, ractangle, parallelogram, kite, rhombus and trapezium 6.3 Counting the perimeter and the area of triangle and quadrillateral as well as to solve the problem 6.4 Drawing a triangle, altitude, bisector, median, and axis of symetry Parent, ………………………………….. Essential Material Integers Fraction Question Number Value/ Score Pass Fail Linear Equation and Innequality with One Variable Social Arithmetics Proportion Sets Line and Angles Quadrillateral and Triangle Mathematics Teacher Kristiana Sili Pramuharyanti, S.Pd NIP: 131879319

silabus matematika kelas 8

Program Viii

SILABUS School Subject Grade/Semester Standard Competence Basic Competency 1.1 Solving Algebraic Forms Main Material Algebraic Form : SMP N 2 Cileunyi : Mathematics : VIII/1 : 1. To undestand of algebraic form, relation, function, and equation of straight line Learning Experience Using books, pencils, pens, and erasers that student have, to under stand the meaning of algebraic form Indicator a. to explain the notation of monomial, binomial, polynomial in one or more variables b. to solve operation of addition, subtraction, multipication, and power of monomial, binomial and polynnomial c. to factorize the term of algebraic forms up to a trinomial d. to solve the operation of addition, subtraction, multipication, division, of algebraic fraction with a denumerator of one term, two terms or the same term e. to simplify algebraic fraction Assesment Technic written test Form of quis Instrument 1. Give the example of monomial, binomial, trinomial, and other polynomial 2. Determine the result of a. 3x(2x + 5) b. (2x - 3)(3x + 5) Time Alocation 13 period written test essay 1.2 Analizing the Algebraic form into its factors written test essay 3. Factorize the following algebraic form 3x - 5x + 4 4. Look at the lesson plan written test essay written test essay 5. Look at the lesson plan 1.3 Understanding the relation and the function Function 1.4 Determing the value of a function Solve the daily problem a. describe the definition related to a function of a function b. explain whether a rela tion is a function c. explain in words daily problems related to a function d. determine the domain codomain, and range of a function e. explain a map form the element of a range f. explain a function using the arrow diagram, the Cartesian diagram and ordered pair g. explain the rule of a function h. mention the independent variable and dependent variable in a function i. express the graph of a function j. calculate the value of a function k. make a tabel of a function l. determine the arrow diagram of an enable function between two sets that have element i.e 1, 2, or 3 oral test oral test oral test quis quis quis 1. What is function? 2. What the condition of a relation which is a function? 3. Give the three examples of daily rpoblem are related to function. 4. Look at the lesson plan 16 period written test essay oral test written test essay essay 5. Look at the leson plan 6. Look at the lesson plan written test oral test essay quis 7. How is the relation to be a function. 8. f(x) = 2x - 7 What is the independent and the dependent variable of the function 9. Express f(x) = 3x + 4 in graph 10. Known: f(x) = 4x - 1 and x ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. Calculate the vale of f for each x. 11. Write the result in no. 10 by a table 12. Draw the arrow diagram of a function of two sets that have 2 elements oral test written test essay essay written test written test esay essay m.determine the amount of function between two sets that have element n. mention the definition of one-one coresponden ce between two sets o. determine the existance of one-one corespon dence between two sets that have been known 1.5 Determining the slope, equation, and the graph of straight line The Equation Draw a kinds of straight a. determine the slope line of Straight Line on the Cartesian diagram oral test essay oral test quis 13. How many function of two will forming that the sets have 3 elements. 14. Write the example of one-one correspondence between two sets 15. Look at the leson plan written test essay written test essay 1. Determine the slope of line that through to points (5,2) and (9,4) 15 period g. graph the line if the slope and a point are known written test essay 7. Graph the line that through to point (3,-2) and the slope is -2. Standard Competency Basic Competency 3.1 Finding Pythagorean Theorm Main Material : 3. using Pythagorean Theorm on Problem Solving Learning Experience Indicator a. find the pythagorean theorm b. determine the length of side of a right triangle if the length of the other of two side is known c. determine ratio of sides of the special right triangle a.determine the length of the diagonal of the 2 dimention such as quare, rectangle, kite, rhombus, etc a. To define the Pythagorean numbers b. To classify triangles on the basis of the lengths of their sides Assesment Technic written test written test Form of quis essay Time Instrument Alocation 1. Write down the Pythagorean 12 period theorm. 2. What the length of hypotenuse of a rigth triangle if the others side are 6 cm and 8 cm? 3. Look at the lesson plan find the Pythagorean Theorm using models Pythagorean Theorm written test essay 3.2 Using Pytharean Theorm written test essay 1. The length of the sides of a square is 6 cm. What is the length of the diagonal? 3.3 Determine the converse of the Pythagorean theorm written test written test quis essay 1. Write three difference Pythagorean numbers. 2. The length of the sides of a triangle are 4 cm, 6 cm, and 7 cm. Is it the rigth triangle? SILABUS School Subject Grade/Semester Standard Competency Basic Competency 4.1 Determine the elements of a circle and parts of a circle Main Material : SMP N 2 Cileunyi : Mathematics : VIII/2 : 4. To understand the caracteristic of a corcle and using its on the problem solving Learning Experience Indicator a. determine the elements of a circle b. drawing the elements of a circle on a circle known Technic oral test written test Form of quis essay Assesment Instrument 1. Te cord is passing through the centre point of a circle is …. 2. Draw a segment of the circle Time Alocation 48 period Find the elements of a circle using models Elements of of a circle a Circle 4.2 Counting the Perimeter and the Area of a Circle The Perimeter and the Area of a Circle a. find the formula of perimeter of a circle b.discovering the formula of the area of a circle using models c. using the formula of the perimeter and the area of a circle to problem solving a. discription of a central angle b. determine the relation of central angle, arc, and sector c. calculate the area of a oral test oral test quis quis 1. What is the formula of the circumference of a circle? 2. What is the formula of the area of a circle? 3. The radius of a circle is 10 cm, what is the circumference and the area of a circle? 1. Explain the central angle of a circle. 2. What is the realtion of central angle, arc, and a sector of a circle? 3. The diameter of a circle is 14 cm, written test essay 4.3 Determine the relation between the central angle, the length of arc, the area of sector Central Angle, oral test written test quis esssay written test essay Arc, and Sector sector, the length of an arc calculate the area of a sector and the length of an arc if the central angle of the circle is 60 degree. 4.5 Find the Incircle and the Circumcircle of a triangle The Incircle and the Circumcircle a. drawing the incircle of a triangle b. drawing the circumcircle of a triangle a. to know the properties of tangent of a circle. b. To draw a tangent of a circle. c. to calculate the length of tangent of a circle. written test written test essay essay 1. Construct an incircle of a triangle 2. Construct a circumcircle of a triangle. 1. What are the properties of a tangent of a circle? 2. Draw the inner common tangents 3. The radius of circle A is 24 cm, and the radius of circle B is 14 cm The distance of A and B is 46 cm, what is the length of outer common tangents. 4.6 To calculate the length of the Com mon Tangents of Two Circles The Common Tangents of Two Circles oral test written test written test quiz essay essay Standard Competency Basic Competency 2.1 To solve the linear equation system with two variables 2. To undestand of algebraic form, relation, function, and equation of straight line Main Learning Experience Material Simultaneous solve the daily proof blem which connected Linear Equation with with Two Variableslinear equation with two variable Indicator a. review the linear equation with one variable Assesment Technic oral test Form of quis Instrument 1. x + 5 = 7 is called Linear Equation with one variable. Why? 2. Write 2 examples of linear equation with one variable 3. Siena have a box of books, then her mother give her 7 books. And now, Siena have 24 books. Write the problem in LEOV 4. Write 2 examples of Linear Equation with Two Variables. Time Alocation 24 period written test quiz written test quiz b. to state the definition of a linear equation with two variable c. to state whether or not a pair of numbers is a solution of a linear equation with two variables d. to state the difference between a linear equation with variable and a linear equation system with two variables e. to determine the solution or solution set of a written test quiz oral test essay 5. State the pairs of the numbers are the solution of x + y = 8 written test quiz 6. Explain the differences of Linear Equation with One Variable and Linear Equation with Two Variables. 7. Determine the solution set of Linear Equation system written test essay linear equation system with two variables x+y=7 x-y=3 by graph method 2.2 to make the mathematic model of the relalife problem are related to Linear Equation System with Two Variables f. to make the mathematic model of the real life problem are related to Linear Equation System with Two Variables written test quiz 8. The difference of two numbers is 8. Write it in the Linear Equation with Two Variables 9. The sum of two numbers is -5, and the product is 6. Write it in Linear Equation with Two Varia bles. 10. The sum of two numbers is 8, and the product is -20. What are the numbers? oral test quiz 2.3 To solve mathema tics model of the daily problem are related to Linear Equation System with Two Variables g. to determine the solution of a story problem related to a linear equation system with two va- written test esay Standard Competency Basic Competency 5.1 Determine the value on the three dimention Main Material Cubes and Cuboids : 5. Determining the elements and caracterisstic of a line and the shape of three dimention Learning Experience Indicator a. to identify the elements of cube and cuboids b. to draw cube and cuboid nets c. to state the formula of the surface areas of a cube and a cuboids d. to calculate the surface areas of a cube and a cuboids e. to find the formula of the volume and to calculate the volume of a cube and a cuboids f. to design a cube and a cuboid with particular volume g. to calculate the quantity of volume change of a cube or a cuboid if the edge measurement changes h. to solve a problem involAssesment Technic oral test written test oral test essay written test essay written test essay written test essay 6. The volume of a cuboid is 96 cm cubic. Make a design of the cuboid. 7. The length of edges of cuboid are p = 6 cm, l = 4 cm, and t = 3 cm. Calculate the quantity of volume change if the length changes to be 9 cm. Form of quis essay Instrumens 1. Mention the elements of a cube. 2. Draw 3 possible nets of cuboid 3. What is the surface area of cube and cuboids 4. The length of the edges of cube is 5 cm. What is the surface area of cube? 5. What is formula of volume of a cube? Time Alocation 52 period Find the area and the volum of a cylinders, cones, and spheres using models written test esssay written test essay ving a cube and a cuboid. Prisms a. to label a prism b. to state the formula of the volume of a prism c. to calculate the volume of a prism oral test oral test written test Pyramids a. to find the surface area of a pyramid b. to find the volume of a pyramid c. to recognizing and show faces, edges, face disgonal, and height of a pyramid d. to draw a pyramid e. to draw a pyramid nets and finding the area of a pyramid oral test oral test oral test 2. What is the formula of the volume of a prism 3. The area of the base of a prism is 45 cm square, what the volume of the prism if the height of the prim is 21 cm? 1. Make a discuss to find the formula of the surface area of pyramids 2. What is the formula of the volume of the pyramids? 3. Show and explain the element of pyramids written test written test 4. Draw a pyramid with 4 cm in heigth 5. Draw a pyramids nets on no. 4 then calculate the surface area of a pyramids. SILABUS Source Students Book at page 1 - 73 Source Students Book at page 105 127 SILABUS Source Students Book at page145 191 Source Students Book at page 75 - 103 Source Students Book at page 193 - 211 DISTRIBUTION TIME ALOCATION No 1 Standard Competence To understand of algebraic form, relation, function, and equation of straight line To understand sistem of linear equation with two variables and to used it in problem solving To used Pythagorean theorm on problem solving To understand the characteristic of a circle and used it on problem solving To understand the characteristics and the elements of cube, cuboids, prism, pyramid, and to determine the measurements Time Aloc 44 July Augst 55555 Semester 1 September October 555 4 November December January February March Semester 2 April May 2 24 155553 255 3 12 4 48 5555555553 5 52 2555 555555 : MOPD : Pasting Month and Idul fitri : : General Examination : Raport Preparation : Holydays : UAN The Principal Bandung, July Math Teach Drs. Tantan Rustandi NIP : 130678374 Kristiana Sili P NIP : 131879 June July 5 andung, July 2008 Math Teacher ristiana Sili P, S.Pd NIP : 131879319 PROGRAM SEMESTER GANJIL Mata Pelajaran : Matematika Kelas : VIII Tahun Pelajaran : 2008 - 2009 A. Perhitungan Alokasi Waktu 1. Banyaknya pekan Nama Bulan Juli Agustus September Oktober Nopember Desember Jumlah 2. Banyaknya pekan tidak efektif Kegiatan MOS + Rapat kerja Libur puasa + Idul Fitri Ulangan Umum Persiapan Raport Libur semester ganjil Jumlah 3. Banyaknya pekan efektif ( 24 - 8 ) pekan = 16 pekan 4. Banyaknya jam pelajaran 16 pekan x 5 jam pelajaran = 80 jam pelajaran Banyak pekan 1 3 1 1 2 8 Banyak pekan 3 4 4 5 4 4 24 PROGRAM SEMESTER GENAP Mata Pelajaran : Matematika Kelas : VIII Tahun Pelajaran : 2008 - 2009 A. Perhitungan Alokasi Waktu 1. Banyaknya pekan Nama Bulan Januari Pebruari Maret April Mei Juni Juli Jumlah 2. Banyaknya pekan tidak efektif Kegiatan UN kelas IX Ulangan Umum Persiapan Raport Libur Semester Genap Jumlah 3. Banyaknya pekan efektif ( 28 - 6 ) pekan = 22 pekan 4. Banyaknya jam pelajaran 22 pekan x 5 jam pelajaran = 110 jam pelajaran Banyak pekan 2 1 1 2 6 Banyak pekan 5 4 4 5 4 4 2 28 PROGRAM TAHUNAN Rincian Minggu Efektif dan istribusi Alokasi Waktu A. Rincian Minggu Efektif 1.a. Semester Ganjil Bulan Jumlah Minggu Hari Juli 3 17 Agustus 4 31 September 4 30 Oktober 5 31 Nopember 4 30 Desember 4 31 Jumlah 24 170 b. Minggu Tidak Efektif Minggu Keterangan 1 MOPD 1 libur awal puasa 2 libur idul fitri 4 akhir semester c. Minggu Efektif Jumlah Minggu tersedia tdk efktf efektif 2 1 1 5 5 4 1 3 5 2 3 4 4 4 2 24 6 16 B. Distribusi Alokasi Waktu No Standar Kompetensi, Kompetensi Dasar No 1 2 3 4 5 6 Bln Jul Sep Okt Des ALJABAR 1 Memahami bentuk aljabar, relasi, fungsi, dan persamaan gari lurus. 1.1 Melakukan operasi aljabar 1.2 Menguraikan bentuk aljabar ke dalam faktor-faktor nya. 1.3 Memahami relasi dan fungsi 1.4 Menentukan nilai fungsi 1.5 Membuat sketsa grafik fungsi aljabar sederhana pada sistem koordinat Cartesius 1.6 Menentukan gradien, persamaan dan grafik garis lurus. 2 Memahami sistem persamaan linear dua variabel dan menggunakannya dalam pemecahan masalah 2.1 Menyelesaikan sistem persamaan linear dua variabel 2.2 Membuat model matematika dari masalah yang berkaitan dengan sistem persamaan linear dua variabel 2.3 Menyelesaiakan model matematika dari masalah yang berkaitan dengan sistem persamaan linear dua variabel dan penafsirannya GEOMETRI DAN PENGUKURAN 3 Menggunakan teorema Pythagoras 3.1 Menggunakan teorema Pythagoras untuk menentukan panjang sisi-sisi segitiga siku-siku 3.2 Memecahkan masalah pada bangun datar yang berkaitan dengan teorema Pythagoras 4 Menentukan unsur, bagian lingkaran serta ukurannya 4.1 Menentukan unsur dan bagian lingkaran 4.2 Menghitung keliling dan luas lingkaran 4.3 Menggunakan hubungan sudut pusat, panjang busur luas juring dlam pemecahan masalah 4.4 Menghitung panjang garis singgung persekutuan dua lingkaran 4.5 Melukis lingkaran dalam dan lingkaran luar suatu segitiga 5 Memahami sifat-sifat kubus, balok, prisma, limas, dan bagian-bagiannya, serta menentukan ukurannya 5.1 Mengidentifikasi sifat-sifat kubus, balok, prisma, dan limas serta bagian-bagiannya 5.2 Membuat jaring-jaring kubus, balok, prisma, dan limas 5.3 Menghitung luas permukaan dan volume kubus, balok, prisma, dan limas Bln Jul Ags Sep Okt Nop Des JML No 2.a Semester Genap Bulan Jumlah Minggu Hari 1 Januari 5 31 2 Pebruari 4 28 3 Maret 4 31 4 April 5 30 5 Mei 4 31 6 Juni 4 30 7 Juli 2 14 Jumlah 28 194 b. Minggu Tidak Efektif Minggu Keterangan 1 lib smt ganjil 2 UAN/US 2 Ulum dan raport 2 libur smt genap c. Minggu Efektif Jumlah tersedia tdk efktf efektif 5 1 4 4 4 Bln Jan Apr Juni Juli Bln Jan Peb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul JML 4 5 4 4 2 28 2 2 2 8 4 3 4 2 21 Alokasi Waktu 9 jp 8 jp 6 jp 4 jp 2 jp 15 jp 10 jp 6 jp 8 jp 6 jp 6 jp 5 10 15 10 8 20 10 22

Drawing the straight line in the cartesian coordinates