Rabu, 24 Juni 2009



THE FIRST SEMESTER EXAMINATION ACADEMY YEAR 2008/2009 Subject Grade / Term Day / Date Time : : : : Mathematic VII (seven) / 1 (first) Dec 19th 2008 120 minutes GENERAL DIRECTION: 1. First, write your name, class and number on your answer sheet. 2. Check and read the question carefully. 3. Report to the supervisor if there are unclear informations. 4. Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c or d. 1. 89.705 when rounded off to the nearest thousand is … a. 9000 b. 10.000 c. 89.000 d. 90.000 2. Arrange the following integers in decreasing order 8, -9, 2, 0, -3 a. 8, 0, 2, -9,3 b. 8, 2, 0, -3, -9 c. 0, 2, -3, 8, -9 d.-9,8, -3, 2, 0 3. All the following lists of integers are arranged in ascending order except …. i. –7, –2, 1, 5, 15 c. -10, -13, -16, -20, -28 ii. –24, –20, –15, 0, 7 4. d. -5, 3, 9, 18, 27 If 8 m represents 8 m to the west, (-4 m) represents …. a. 4 m to the east b. 4 m to the south c. 4 m to the west 4 m to the north d. 5. The integers between -4 and 5 are …. a. -4, -3, -2, -1, 0 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 c. -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 b. -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 d. -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 6. How many negative integers are there between -5 and 2? a. 6 b. 5 c. 4 d. 3 7. The form of distributive property over addition is …. a. ( a x b ) x c = ( a x c ) x b b. a x ( b + c ) = ( a x b ) + c c. b x ( c + d ) = ( b x c ) – ( b x d ) d. k x ( m + n ) = ( k x m ) + ( k x n ) 8. From statements bellow : i. 15 – (-5) = 20 ii. -12 + 9 = -21 iii. -8 – (-6) = -2 Which statement is correct? a. just (i) and (ii) b. just (i) and (iii) c. d. just (ii) and (iii) (i), (ii) and (iii) 9. [5 + (-8) – (-2)] – [-3 + 6 + (-2)] = …. a. -5 b. -1 10. a + (-6) + (-2) = 4 The value of a is …. a. 12 c. -2 d. 0 b. 10 c. 8 18, 24 and 36 d. 12 d. 6 11. Find the Greatest Common Factor (GCF) of a. 3 b. 6 c. 9 12. The initial temperature of a beaker of solution is 0ºC. Over a period minutes, its temperature decreases by 8ºC and then increases by temperature, in ºC, of the solution after 10 minutes is …. a. –3 b. 2 c. –2 of 10 5ºC. The d. 3 13.There are 20 question in a quiz. 5 marks will be given for each correct answer and 2 marks will be deducted for wrong answers, Dini answered all the questions but only 15 answers are right. Calculate the marks she got… a. 55 b. 60 c. 65 d. 70 14. In a Mathematic competition. If the student answer correctly they get 2, If their answer false , they get -1, If they do not answer, they get 0. Deni has answered 48 items, 42 items are correct. If the total items 50, The total score of Deni is…. a. 96 b. 92 c. 84 d. 78 15. The decimal of a. 1.937 1.930 31 and round off the decimal to 3 decimal places is …. 16 b. 1.938 c. 1.926 d. 16. The result of 2 a. 2 2 35 1 2 5 x : 1 = …….. 4 5 7 63 b. 120 3 ) = …. 4 b. c. 1 1 5 d. 21 40 17. 2 1 x( + 3 5 1 a. 10 11 20 c. 19 30 d. 7 60 18. The scientific notation of 0,0038247, in two decimal form is …..… a. 3,82 x 10-2 b. 3,82 x 10-3 c. d. 3,83 x 10-2 3,83 x 10-3 19. Amin uses 1 1 of his monthly salary to pay for car loan and of it to pay for 4 5 bills. What fraction of the monthly salary does Amin still household utilities have? a. d. 9 20 b. 7 20 c. 11 20 13 20 2 1 and of the money to buy shoes and text 5 4 c. Rp. 20.000 d. Rp. 26.000 20. Wahyudi has Rp. 40.000. He used books respectively. Wahyudi skill has a. Rp. 14.000 b. Rp.16.000 2 21. There are 45 students in a class. of them are female. The numbers of the 3 male students are …. a. 15 30 a. 7 9 a. – 4a2b and 5ab2 b. 7ab2 and 5ab2 a. 12a2 + a + 4 b. 12a2 + a – 14 b. 20 c. 25 d. 22. The coefficient x of 5x3 – 7x + 9 is .... b. -7 c. 5 d. 23. The like terms of 7ab2 – 4a2b + 5ab2 – a2b2 is ………. c. 7ab2 and – a2b2 d. – 4a2b and – a2b2 c. 12a2 – 13a + 4 d. 12a2 – 13 a – 14 c. -17a2 – 17 a d. –a 2 + 17a c. -8x + 11 d. 10 x + 5 c. 30xy2 d. 24. The result of addition 8a2 – 6a – 5 and 4a2 + 7a + 9 is …. 25. The simple form of -9a2 +3a + 8a2 +14a is…. a. –a2 - a b. -17a2 + 17a 26. The simple form of 9 – 4(2x+5) =….. a. -8x – 11 b. -8x – 14 27. 45x3y × 2x2y3 ÷ 30x4 = …. a. 30xy b. 30xy3 4 30xy 28. The Least Common Multiple (LCM) of 9p2q3, 12p4q2 and 18p3q4 is ….. a. 3p2q2 c. 18p3q4 2 2 b. 9p q d. 36p3q4 29. Anton is two years older than Brown and Brown is 6 years older than Chianti. What is the sum of their ages when Anton is twice than Chianti’s age? a. 28 42 30. b. 32 c. 38 d. x 5 + = …. 3y 4x a. 4 x 2 + 15 y 12 xy b. c. 5x 7 xy d. 4 x + 15 12 xy 5+ x 7 xy %%%%&&&g00DLucK&&&%%%%

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